July 14, 2011

Quick Meals: Mushroom Stir Fry

Here's a recipe that I never tire of cooking. I love mushrooms. Any kind, any style. Plus, when it's this easy too prepare, well, it's a winner. This is especially a favourite of mine for a couple of reasons. One, its loaded with yummy tasty shrooms and more importantly, my son loves it!

1 can button mushrooms - sliced in half
100g oyster mushrooms - torn into big pieces
1/2 - 1 medium sized red onion - diced
4 cloves garlic - minced
1 cup full of chopped coriander
salt and pepper to taste
2 tbps olive oil
1 tbps butter (this is optional but my son loves the buttery taste!)
chicken stock or water - as needed

Heat olive oil in a pan. Sautee onion until it softens and lightly browns. Add garlic and sautee until fragrant. Add mushrooms and stir fry until soft. At this stage add a little chicken stock or water to aid the cooking process of the mushrooms. When done, add butter and mix evenly. Add pepper and salt to taste. Before removing from heat, add coriander and mix. Do not let the coriander leaves wilt too much.

July 7, 2011

How Do I Get There?

I feel that I am destined to get lost sometime soon. Literally I mean. This week has been about venue changes for my kids activities and that too at the very last minute. I got to know yesterday that my kids school performance for their Annual Day will not be held where it was initially intended to be. And this is for tomorrow! The Chinese Assembly Hall? Where's that? They did attach a map but, what? where? I guess I still have about twelve hours to figure out how to get there. Probably play tag with other cluless mums.

Then today, I find out that our weekly football practice will not be held at the usual venue due to "unforseen circumstances" (wonder who that troublesome joker is?) and that they have moved it elsewhere. Of course, a map was duly attached with the email they sent.

I wonder if I am the only one who has trouble reading these maps. They are never accurate and don't take into account all the changes and redirected routes that is a norm when living in a hyper-evolving city. Ever notice how a once familiar place looks alien only after a few months of not visiting it? Happens to me all the time.

So I am beginning to think that this is a sign. A sign that I should either give up driving once and for all or get myself a GPS? Okey, so giving up driving is a little bit drastic and out of the question. That leaves getting a GPS. A GPS may solve this imminent problem I have finding my way around this city. However, it would also give me something new to fret about. l would have to figure out how to program my destination into that damn thing! I am so doomed!