I have always encouraged my son to take ownership of his decisions and actions. Whether it is to postphone doing his homework until after he watches his favourite programme or spend a night at his cousions or to deal with an issue at school or put away his toys after a messy play date. It could be anything really. I am always ready to lend a ear, give some advice and encourage him to make the right decision. It has always worked. Lately though, I have been facing an uphill battle on two issues.
Taekwondo and Mandarin lessons. My son started taking taekwondo lessons since he was about four years old. He has always been passionate about it. He is now just a step away from getting his black belt....and he wants to quit. He takes Mandrin classes in school as a second language. He has been at it for about two years now and only recently, has started to hate it for some reason. He tends to fall 'sick' on Fridays to avoid going to school because of the Mandrin lesson.
I am literally on wits end as I don't want him to give either one up. I believe these lessons would be useful for his future. More importantly, I don't believe in quitting something just because it has become difficult. I don't want him to have this mentality of giving up easily or turning away from anything that becomes challenging. I have debated, rationalised and pleaded with him to continue with these lessons. I have given him all the support and extras he needs to cope. But it has not become easier. I dread the days when these lessons are on as I face the continuous whining and crying. I hate the fact that I have to be the bully and make him go for these lessons. I hate the tension it creates within me and between us. I just pray for the day to come when he has conqured these challenges and we can see eye to eye again.
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